New Casualty – CCNI ANGOL

We have learned of an incident involvingthevessel “CCNI ANGOL”, a 2015 built 95,138gt Fully Cellular Containership which reported losing containers overboard on 25th March 2020.

It is understood that the Vessel has a capacity of 9030 TEU was carrying containers between San Antonio Chile and Hong Kong when an unspecified number of containers were lost overboard. The vessel diverted to China.

W.E. Cox Claims Group are actively involved in this matter and have had a Surveyor on board the vessel in Xiamen in order to assess any potential damages on behalf of cargo interests.

If we can be of any assistance in arranging surveys, adjusting potential losses, or undertaking recovery action please do not hesitate to contact us.

As appropriate, please contact:

United Kingdom Paul Friett
Europe – John Jackson –
Hong Kong Wendy Lee
Singapore Paul Sansom
USA Charles Droll
Australia – Nial Orr –

If this or future casualty notices should be forwarded to any of your colleagues, we would be pleased to receive their contact details and we will add them to our Client List.

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